Contact Information
➤ location
92 Hazel Road
Berkeley, CA 94705
510-912-7707 (cell)
510-642-1970 (office)
Please read this before you contact me
This website is not an offer to form a contractual attorney client or expert relationship with its users. I welcome phone and email communications, but they are insufficient, standing alone, to form such a relationship. Similarly, such initial communications will likely not be subject to the attorney-client privilege and may not be confidential. Wait to share critical confidential information until I have given you some indication that it is appropriate to do so.
Typically, attorney client relationships are formed only by express agreement (you ask, and I agree, normally in writing) and only after we have discussed the case in enough detail to determine whether I can properly take the case, consistent with the relevant ethics rules, whether there is mutual interest in forming such a relationship, and what the terms of the relationship will be.